Lake District Chile

Lake Llanquihue  –  Puerto Varas & Frutillar Puerto Montt is in southern Chile the big – port, shopping and industrial – city and it is the gateway to Patagonia. I had chosen to stay around 20 km away in Puerto Varas, and is a much nicer city. It is situated next to the lake Llanquihue overlooking the Volcano…

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Sø-området i Chile

Søen Llanquihue  –  Puerto Varas & Frutillar Puerto Montt er den store  – havne, industri og shopping – by i det sydlige Chile og den er indgangen til Patagonien. Jeg havde valgt at bo ca. 20 km derfra i Puerto Varas, som er en lille perle af en by. Den ligger ud til søen Llanquihue med…

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Prt. Natales to Prt. Montt

Puerto Natales Efter dagene i Torres del Paine blev Puerto Natales mit første rigtige møde med Chile, og der er bestemt forskelle til Argentina. Udover at Chilenerne ser lidt anderledes ud, så taler de virkelig hurtigt og uforståeligt for alle andre end dem selv. De bruger en masse slang som kun bruges i Chile. Derudover…

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Prt. Natales to Prt. Montt

Puerto Natales After the days in Torres del Paine, Puerto Natales was my first real encounter with Chile, and there are certainly differences to Argentina. Apart from a lot of Chilean people looking different, they speak really fast and incomprehensible to almost all but themselves as they use a lot of slang, that is not…

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Torres Del Paine

Torres Del Paine Torres Del Paine er en fantastisk naturpark, der ligger i Chile. National Parken lægger ret tæt på El Calafate, men med mindre man er til fods, eller på cykel går turen via Puerto Natales i al fald, hvis man er med bus. I egen bil behøver man ikke køre helt så langt….

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Torres Del Paine

Torres Del Paine Torres Del Paine is a fantastic Natural Park, located in Chile. The Park is quite close to El Calafate, but unless you’re on foot, or by bike the tour goes via Puerto Natales. At least if you are going by bus.  By private car it is not necessary to go all the…

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El Calafate

  El Calafate The flight from Ushuaia to El Calafate is a short trip. It only takes 1 1/2 hours, and airports are at both locations close to the city. From the airport I took a shuttle bus into town. Although I were to stay very central, my hostel was one of the last ones…

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El Calafate

    El Calafate Flyveturen fra Ushuaia til El Calafate er en kort tur. Det tager kun 1 1/2 time, og lufthavnene lægger begge steder tæt på byen. Fra lufthavnen tog jeg en shuttle bus ind til byen. Selv om jeg skulle bo på et hostel meget centralt, fik jeg et indtryk af byen med…

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Ushuaia  – Tierra del Fuego Klokken var ca 12, da jeg ankom til Ushuaia efter 2 timers flyvning fra Lufthavnen i Trelew ca. en times fra Puerto Madryn. Byen ligger på øen Tierra del Fuego eller på dansk Ildlandet og er så langt mod syd, man kan komme i Argentina. Det er sidste stop inden Antarktis….

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Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego I arrived in Ushuaia at noon after a 2 hour flight from Trelew Airport about an hour from Puerto Madryn. The city is located on the island of Tierra del Fuego and it is as far south, as you can get in Argentina. It is the last stop before Antarctica. The…

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